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OCR: Company Telephone Product Type of Complete NOSS Formatted Number Types Types of Types Transfer, Average Price number name product subsystem supported of bus controllers of fault Is: capacity of drive. rate access bas tolerance time: Box Hill Systems (212) 989-4455; RAID Box 5300 Complete RAID External NetWare 4.x, SCSI 800) 727-3863 SCSI RAID 4 15MBps 10ms $1 per ME Tubo Subsystem Windows NT, 504GB RAID 5. hardwere. miroren software, drives) Canary (408) 453-9201; RDA 3500 Complete External AIN(NO 4GB to 5 per EISA or SCSI2, Fast RAID 3, RAJD $16,985 Communications 800) 8539201 RAID Independent) 20GB Pel to Wide SCSI-2 RAID 4, 5: 33.400 subsysteme 15 drives 35 Livs SCSI-2 RAID 5 170 per Ihardware? ong tank, maumum second software, drives] CMS (714) 4455000 Platinum Complete RAID External Enhancements AB (operating Up to 16GB SCS Mirrored, system Milex DAC 1.6MBps 8ms $13,750 Array NXG subsystem RAID 5 hardware, independent! three-channel software, drives) With AEMI Conner Storage (407) 263-3500; ; nStor CR2 RAID Extema! LAN Server, Wide or Fast Minfared, 20MBps 14ms Systems 1GB to 8GB 2 ISA, hardware Netsvare 3.2. FISA $1,250 to 800) 734-3511 Wide SCSI-2 duplexed; $5,395 NetWare 4.4 compatible RAID 5 OS/2 Warp Server, MCA Windows NT. Unkk Conner Storage 407| 263-3500; nStor CR6 Complete RAID External NetWare 3. 4GB 10 12GB 6 Systems (800) 734-3511 EISA, PCI SCSI-2 Merored, 20MBps Üd4ms $6,596 to subsystem Netware 4.x duplexed, $22.585 (hardware) RAID software, drives) Conner Storage (407) 263-3500: nStor C88 Complete RAJO External LAN Server. 32GB 8 Systems EISA, PCI SCSI Morrored. 20MBps: 14ms $9,250 (800) 734-3511 subsystem NetVare 3.X. duplexed, $10,885 Hardware, NetWare 4.x. RAID software, crivest 09/2 Wamp Server Windows NT, Laix Conner Storage (407) 263-3500; nStor CR12 Compote RAID External LAN Server, 6GB to Mirrored. Systems 32 EISA, PGI SCS 2 (sold 20MBps 14ms $11:165 16 (800) 734 -3511 subsystem 24GB separately duplexed. $13,998 Ihardware. Netwere 43. RAID 5 software, drives) OS/2 Warp Server, Windows NT, Unix Corel (618) 728 8200; CoreF SCSI RAID software N / A NetWare 3. Unlimited ISA, RAID 4, Hardware Hardware'S $595 (800) 772-6735 Network unlimited (hardware EISA (supports RAID 5 Manager imited) VL-Bus all SCSI host PCI adopters; ICA Cubix (702) 888-1000; ; SafeStor/F3 Complete RAID Extemel LAN Server 25.268 12 ISA. SCSI-2 Mirrored, LOMEOS, 3.5ms $2,000 to (800) 829-0550 LAN Manager EISA duplexed, 20MBps $30,000 NetWare 3.x. PCI RAID 5 (wide) software, NetWare 4.5, drives) 05/2 Wars Server, VINES, Windows NT, Linix Digital Equipment (508) 841-7000; StorageWorks Complete RAID Externa Netware S.X. 30.1GB to 7 1o 2: EISA SCSH Mirrored. Up to Starts at (800) 788-7967 RAID Array 210 subsystem NowWere 4.X, 90.3GB duplexed, 14MBOS available. $5.318 Ihardware. Windows NT. RAID 5 Unix, OpenVMS divest AXP Digital Equipment (508) 841-7000; Storageworks Complete RAID Extemal Netware 3. 30.1GB 10 7 10 21 PCI SCSi Miffored. Up to Starts 8. (800)786-7967 RAID Array 230 SubSystem NetWare 4. 90.3GB duplexett, 32.6MBps wvallable $6.635 theshare. Windows NT. RAD S software. Unix. OpenVMS drivesì AYP Digital Equipment (508) 841-7000; StorageWorks Complete RAID Extema NetWare 3.X, 2GB to 24 PCI, Mirrored, Up to Starts at 1800) 786-7967 RAID Array 410 NelWare 4.x. 180GB SCSI2 duplexed, 20MBps available, $18.000 (hardware, Windows NT par controler Shus, RAID 3, Software, StnOS, Solaris, Micro PAID 5 drives HP-UX, IBM AIK, Channel Digital Unix Precision Bus